Memory loss. Physical exhaustion. This week Matter of Fact takes a closer look at how COVID-19 long haulers — up to an estimated 23 million Americans — are struggling to access medical care. Plus, evictions are higher than before the pandemic and North American indigenous nations are getting back some of their land.
Tribe Gets Some of Its Land Back After 300+ Years
April 24, 2022Tribe Gets Some of Its Land Back After 300+ Years
April 24, 2022There's a growing movement among sovereign nations in the U.S. to take back land they once...
Evictions Higher than Before the Pandemic
April 24, 2022Evictions Higher than Before the Pandemic
April 24, 2022As federal resources and bans cease, a large number of Americans are facing evictions -- m...
OCTOBER 8, 2022
October 13, 2022OCTOBER 8, 2022
October 13, 2022Priced out. This week Matter of Fact looks at the competitive housing market keeping wanna...
COVID-19 Long Haulers Struggle to Access Medical Care
April 24, 2022COVID-19 Long Haulers Struggle to Access Medical Care
April 24, 2022As mask mandates fade away, Matter of Fact looks at the Americans -- up to 23 million -- w...
FEBRUARY 4, 2023
February 5, 2023FEBRUARY 4, 2023
February 5, 2023Uncertain futures. This week Matter of Fact takes a closer look at the civil unrest in Ira...
No, the Pandemic Isn't Over
March 6, 2022No, the Pandemic Isn't Over
March 6, 2022As Covid-19 safety restrictions ease across the country (again), Matter of Fact takes a lo...
Baltimore Realtor Helps House People in Addiction Treatment
March 23, 2025Baltimore Realtor Helps House People in Addiction Treatment
March 23, 2025For years, the city of Baltimore has grappled with two interconnected problems – thousands...
MARCH 22, 2025
March 23, 2025MARCH 22, 2025
March 23, 2025This week Matter of Fact travels to Baltimore to see how a realtor is providing housing to...