You can go back to the Puritans and realize this country has always had an odd relationship with the truth. Belief in UFO’s, the Loch Ness Monster and alligators in the sewers have always been with us. But Kurt Anderson, author of Fantasyland, argues we’re living through a time when “falsehoods, untruths and fantasies are rampant,” when “the preposterous, the untrue, the unproven and the false has been allowed to freely flow into the American discourse” as never before.
Is It Time for A Viable Third Political Party?
January 24, 2021Is It Time for A Viable Third Political Party?
January 24, 2021For more than a century, Democrats and Republicans have monopolized the path to the presid...
December 14, 2019
December 21, 2019December 14, 2019
December 21, 2019
Is America ready for a third political party?
December 14, 2019Is America ready for a third political party?
December 14, 2019More than 68 percent of Americans say the two-party system isn't working, but there's neve...
House Republicans Are Choosing not Run for Reelection. Can They Take Back the House?
November 16, 2019House Republicans Are Choosing not Run for Reelection. Can They Take Back the House?
November 16, 2019So far, at least 20 U.S. House Republicans have chosen choosing not to run for reelection ...
Will Pennsylvania be red or blue in 2020? Former Governor Ed Rendell gives his take.
June 22, 2019Will Pennsylvania be red or blue in 2020? Former Governor Ed Rendell gives his take.
June 22, 2019Perhaps no one is better at understanding Pennsylvania voters than former Governor Ed Rend...
Pennsylvania Politics: The message one county sends to Washington
June 22, 2019Pennsylvania Politics: The message one county sends to Washington
June 22, 2019Pennsylvania is a critical battleground state in the upcoming 2020 Presidential election. ...
More Mayors Are Running for the White House. Are They Ready To Run the Country?
January 26, 2019More Mayors Are Running for the White House. Are They Ready To Run the Country?
January 26, 2019Candidates are announcing their intentions for the White House in 2020 and more mayors are...
Are You An American Citizen? This Simple Question Is Causing a Big Controversy.
December 8, 2018Are You An American Citizen? This Simple Question Is Causing a Big Controversy.
December 8, 2018In the quickly approaching 2020 Census, the Trump administration wants to know if you are ...