As the national polls show Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a dead heat, campaigns are making concerted efforts to put their candidate over the top. According to the polls, Clinton’s problem is with white voters, especially white working class voters. For Trump, one of his biggest weaknesses is with minorities.

Chief Strategist for the Republican National Committee, Sean Spicer, says the Republican Party as a whole needs to improve their efforts to connect with a more diverse audience. According to Pew, 26 percent of Latinos and 11 percent of African Americans identify as Republicans.

“When it comes to reaching out, absolutely, we have to do a better job. We have to go into communities, churches, businesses, neighborhoods we haven’t been going into traditionally as republicans and take our conservative message and solutions to those neighborhoods,” Spicer says. “Not just because it’s a growing segments of population but it’s the right thing to do.”

After Mitt Romney lost the election in 2012 to President Barack Obama, the GOP conducted an autopsy in an effort to improve their chances of winning the presidency in 2016. The 100-page document includes over 200 recommendations, including improving ground game and increasing voter registration.

It also recommends passing immigration reform, making in-roads with minority groups and coming to terms with marriage equality, all areas in which the Republican party has struggled with this election season.

Throughout his campaign, Trump has come under criticism for offensive comments, from calling Mexicans “rapists” when he kicked off his campaign, to making disparaging comments about women, to insulting the family of Capitan Humayun Khan, to calling into question Sen. John McCain’s bravery as a prisoner of war. His comments seem to affect his polling numbers. Twenty-four percent of Latinos say they will be voting for him and, according to 538’s polling average, two percent of African Americans say they will support the Republican nominee. *

Trump has been seen in the last month adding smaller-scale events to his schedule, joining roundtables with Latinos and visiting Black Churches.

“I think when you look at what past campaigns have done, Trump in the last month has probably done more in terms of outreach than a lot of the last couple cycles combined.”

But will it be enough? Spicer thinks it will.

“McCain got 4 percent of the black vote, Romney got 6. We need to do better. I don’t want to be in single digits, I want to be in high double digits but every day we make progress is good for this party,” Spicer says. “Our candidates need to do better, but at the end of the day, we are doing better and we are doing more and I’m proud of what our party and our candidates are doing to reach out.”

Check out our video for Spicer’s response to questions about Trump calling out companies for exporting American jobs while his companies utilize the same practice. See the full interview for more on trade, transparency with personal records and what it means to be a uniter.


*In the interview, Spicer refers to this USC/LA Times daily tracker where Trump received the support of 19 percent of likely African American voters.

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