Senate Republicans hope to hold a vote next week on their recently unveiled proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. In the Senate’s version, insurance companies will not be allowed to charge those with preexisting conditions more money, but otherwise the proposal appears similar to the House bill. It eliminates the requirement for everyone to have insurance and for businesses to provide it, it reduces the taxes that help pay for the subsidies that help lower income patients pay for insurance and it cuts Medicaid funding for states. Republican Senator Bill Cassidy represents the state of Louisiana, where over 40 percent of its residents are on Medicaid after the state expanded the program last year. He says his state can’t afford the cost. He sits down with Soledad O’Brien to discuss the complications around Medicaid, the secretive process used in crafting the Senate bill and what it will take to get his vote.

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